chas in the studio

This is how a warm-up page usually looks. Sketchbooks are great for warming up.

My hand was trying hard to translate for my eyes, so I was about on the third of six sketches of this one particular person in this one particular photo. Chas walked in.

I told him that drawing is a lot like exercise, in that you have to warm up your muscles before you can run.

I told him, also, that this person’s face was particularly difficult, so I had to keep trying to capture it until I was happy with the translation. I also explained that I was a little “out of shape.” 😉

“I’ll help you, mommy.” which he did, here and there.

He, too, was satisfied with the sixth drawing, that one in the lower right.

Bees in the herb bed

Moly_X_9: Bees

This little sketch is for Leigh’s moleskine, in this month’s the much over due addition to the Moly_x_9 Moleskine exchange: BEES, one of my favorite things about the garden. There’s nothing like stark sunshine on your head, walking through the dry garden in summer, listening to the drone of the honeybees circulate among the tufts of lavender and rosemary.

We’re going to raise bees, ourselves. I’m building the courage to implore of the neighbors what they think of this idea. My only fear is that they might tend to fly into the pool next door, frequently filled with children, and reduce laughter and splashing to aggravated shrieks and screams!

Does anyone out there have advice on this matter?